Like it or not, Republicans will have to play defense.
The DSCC has reserved air time in October for KY and MO SEN, sources tell Hotline On Call. The committee is planning to spend $4M in MO for a statewide broadcast ad and $1.3M in KY for a statewide ad campaign.
Kentucky costs about $350-400,000 per week for a statewide buy at saturation levels, so this is close to a month's worth of TV. I don't have Missouri's numbers off hand, but it's a far more expensive state (with bigger media markets), hence the far bigger number. I'd love to see North Carolina added to this list. The polling there has looked better than in Missouri, and should rank as an even bigger pickup opportunity.
The NRSC has financial parity with the DSCC, so they'll have the cash to counter. The question is, they have more pickup opportunities than they have cash to spend. So do they really want to dump money into Washington and California, when they need to shore up their flanks in Missouri, Kentucky, and North Carolina as well? And what about Florida, and its gazillion-dollar media markets?
It's like a game of chess, and the big money players are making their first moves.