Objecting to a talk show host spouting the n-word a dozen times on the air = suppression of her free speech.
Do I have that right, Mama Grizzly?
I wonder when the "lame-brained" media that you primp back in forth in front of will call you on your pathological inconsistencies.
Someone talks about you or anybody in your family, you go apes*it, demand they retract it and call them everything but a child of God. But when you talk about other people like dogs and they object to it, you bitch and moan and whine about how they are violating your right to free speech.
When you and your buddies jump up and down screaming bloody murder about a religious cultural center, you claim you are protecting American values.
But whenever anyone pushes back against your attempts to shove your religious views down people's throats, you bellow like a stuck pig that your religious freedoms are being trampled.
You have no problem telling a group of people that their very presence in the area of a terrorist attack is insensitive and painful, solely because they happen to be of the same religion as the persons who perpetrated the act.
Yet, you are the same woman who gleefully waves around firearms and brags about your use of them without any regard for the sensibilities of people who have been the victim of gun violence. And you would no doubt have a complete meltdown if anyone tried to tell you to take your guns somewhere else because they bother other people.
No, the media are too caught up in your winking and wiggling to call you out on your crap. But I will: You are a rank, cynical and craven hypocrite. And even worse, you are a hateful demagogue.
And if, as a result of your dangerous provocations of the worst elements in our culture someone gets hurt, you and your buddies will be responsible for it.