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July RNC fundraising: absolutely anemic

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WI_DEM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-23-10 10:03 AM
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July RNC fundraising: absolutely anemic
Normally, one would expect the party with the supposed momentum to be raking in a lot of dough as the election approaches. And normally, one would also expect a party in that position to file a press release putting the best spin possible on just how much they're raked in. But thankfully, Chairman Michael Steele is on hand to defy expectations yet again. In an unheralded Friday night filing, the RNC reported that it took in only $5.5 million in July, leaving it with $5 million cash on hand and $2 million in debt. Via Politico, this is a huge concern--because it's RNC money that has traditionally funded the vaunted Republican GOTV operation:

It indicated that the committee brought in slightly more than $5.5 million in July — less than half of what the DNC raised — while spending $11 million.

The RNC's money woes have many party leaders and operatives deeply worried about whether the GOP will be able to take full advantage of an otherwise promising election cycle. Of most concern are get-out- the-vote activities that are typically funded by the national committee. While the RNC OK’d a $10 million line-of-credit at its meeting earlier this month, that will still be insufficient to fund the sort of voter contact efforts needed across the House, Senate, gubernatorial and local races this year. Senior Republicans are expecting newly-created third-party groups such as American Crossroads to step in and assist with the ground game.

The DNC released its July fundraising numbers earlier this week, reporting that it had just over $10.8 million on hand while also carrying $3.5 million in debt.
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dkf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-23-10 10:04 AM
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1. What happened with the shadow RNC operations they were talking about earlier?
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Milo_Bloom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-23-10 11:30 AM
Response to Reply #1
5. They don't have to report.
The GOP is hiding its money this time around.
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thereismore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-23-10 10:13 AM
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2. Not to worry, the corporate money will come in time. nt
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JohnnyBoots Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-23-10 10:47 AM
Response to Reply #2
4. My thoughts exactly. Why bother with small donations from citizens when
Corporate America can spend as much as they want now. It is truly disgusting.
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apnu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-23-10 10:16 AM
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3. The RNC isn't really participating in this election, the power of the GOP is with the teabaggers
This is about the GOP fleeing their brand because its still toxic. If they ran under the old banner they'd be decimated in the coming election regardless of how loathed or ineffective the Democrats are (or are perceived to be).

The teabaggers allow the GOP to step out of its mold, run any campaign they want with out the toxic touch of the GOP, and, they hope, regain some power in our various levels of government.

This is why Michale Steele chairs the RNC, they didn't care who ran the show so long as the person as enough of a buffoon to keep the GOP toxic sludge alive enough so they can say "See we aren't the GOP" Otherwise they could call themselves teabaggers but in the absence of any opposition other than the Democrats, they'd be identified easily as the GOP minus the elephant.

This whole teabagger "movement" is simply a brand change on the GOP, they are the same assholes as before, but they know that, in their natural form, America remembers them well and is sick of their bullshit.
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yellowcanine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-24-10 09:39 AM
Response to Reply #3
6. It that's true it is good news for Democrats. Teabaggers have no GOTV organization.
They can bank on the "base being fired up" all they want, but without a strong GOTV effort (which takes organization and $) the goopers will fall well short of what they could do. I look for modest GOP gains that will not nearly erase the Democratic gains of 2006 and 2008.
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