Frankly, I have no idea how this election will turn out, but I guess the democrats will keep their majorities in both houses. How do you frame such a result into a bad thing for the democrats?
"Look at the Tea-Party candidates that got elected! Some of them winning means, that the whole population supports their ideas. And if Obama doesn't cave to the Tea-Partiers, he is obviously out of touch with ordinary people/mainstream."
"Look at the seats the democrats lost! We technically lost, but the fact that we took over some democratic seats means, that people are upset with the democrats and want a change. By not gaining a clear victory, Obama has obviously lost his mandate from the people. If he pursues anything short of bipartisan/republican politics, he is clearly acting against the will of the american people."
If the stocks go up after the election: "People have trust in the rejuvenated republican party to steer the country to a better future." If the stocks go down after the election: "People know that Obama is anti-business."
And recycling a Fox News talking point from the first month of his presidency: "His presidency is over." (Or was it "failed"?)