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Republican talking-points after the midterms:

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DetlefK Donating Member (449 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-24-10 12:26 PM
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Republican talking-points after the midterms:
Frankly, I have no idea how this election will turn out, but I guess the democrats will keep their majorities in both houses.
How do you frame such a result into a bad thing for the democrats?

"Look at the Tea-Party candidates that got elected! Some of them winning means, that the whole population supports their ideas. And if Obama doesn't cave to the Tea-Partiers, he is obviously out of touch with ordinary people/mainstream."

"Look at the seats the democrats lost! We technically lost, but the fact that we took over some democratic seats means, that people are upset with the democrats and want a change. By not gaining a clear victory, Obama has obviously lost his mandate from the people. If he pursues anything short of bipartisan/republican politics, he is clearly acting against the will of the american people."

If the stocks go up after the election: "People have trust in the rejuvenated republican party to steer the country to a better future."
If the stocks go down after the election: "People know that Obama is anti-business."

And recycling a Fox News talking point from the first month of his presidency: "His presidency is over." (Or was it "failed"?)
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TlalocW Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-24-10 12:40 PM
Response to Original message
1. The democrats could gain seats in both houses
And the media would report it as bad for the democrats, reasoning that they should have gotten more, but the republican surge kept their increases lower than expected.

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CTyankee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-24-10 12:55 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Bet money on it! But you gotta give them credit for coming up with such a lollapalooza!
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