White House: Energy stimulus is working
By Ben Geman - 08/24/10 11:23 AM ET
A White House report unveiled Tuesday says tens of billions of dollars in stimulus energy funding is helping to greatly expand deployment of technologies such as solar power, “smart” electrical meters and advanced batteries.
The Obama administration is touting the projects as Republicans are increasingly charging that the big 2009 stimulus package was ineffective and continuing attacks on the White House economic team. Recent reports by the Energy Department's inspector general also cited problems with distribution and use of the stimulus dollars, including "prevalent and widespread" spending delays.
The White House report (found here) forecasts the effects of the law that provided $30 billion for renewable energy and efficiency programs, $6 billion for advanced vehicles and biofuels programs and billions of dollars in other energy spending.
“Thanks to investments made possible by the Recovery Act, we are unleashing the American innovation machine to change the way we use and produce energy in this country,” said Energy Secretary Steven Chu in a prepared statement. “Just as importantly, these breakthroughs are helping create tens of thousands of new jobs, allowing the U.S. to continue as a leader in the global economy and helping to provide a better future for generations to come.”