income to Uncle Sammie than does his secretary (this was Warren's observation, if my recollection is correct, not mine). Moreover, when the gipper first foisted his voodoo economics upon America, it was a two-pronged inspiration: (1) substantially increase payroll taxes (regressive) in both the rate and base amount up to the social security maximum of some $40,000-$50,000(?) and (2) slash the top income tax bracket to 28% (which triggered at about $20,000 taxable income for a single tax payer) and a second tax bracket of 15%. Poof, it's magic. What we got was this poor schmuck, earning about $30,000 and just getting by, receiving a $1,000 raise of which Uncle Sammie is sent 35.35% (28% + 7.35% payroll taxes - but wait, it gets better, for income tax must also be paid on the 7.35% payroll tax which has never been seen nor may ever be seen. Let's then suppose a baseball player receives a $100,000 raise on his $1,000,000 contract: he sends Uncle Sammie only 28% of that increase whereas that poor, just-getting-by, schmuck is sending Uncle Sammie 28% + 7.35%, + income tax on that 7.35% payroll tax. Then in a few years, the baseball player is enjoying much investment success and his capital gains are taxed at a much lower rate. Then throughout the years, those payroll taxes had not been set aside in a trust fund to pay that poor schmuck's future benefits because all payroll-tax revenues exceeding outlays were immediately being spent on other government programs to the ultimate tune of trillions of dollars, like for those $600 toilet seats for the military. Then comes along junior's tax cuts and, by this time, that baseball player owns scads of dividend-paying equity securities on which the dividends were being taxed at a lower rate. But the Federal debt has now ballooned some tenfold from gipper's days, and Alan Greenspan, who thought junior's tax cuts were just a-ok hunky-dory, proclaimed junior's tax cuts need to be paid for by a reduction in social security benefits, and by God, BHO, through his handpicked Cat-food Commission, is going to make that happen. In the meanwhile, throw in the fact that about two-thirds of highly profitable US corporations pay no US income taxes, perpetual pre-emptive wars, deregulation (thanks bubba) and a laizze-faire approach to governance and you get exactly where we are today: a collapsed economy, vast un- and under-employment, and a burgeoning Federal debt. But, let's don't ask giant corporations and especially don't ask the most affluent among us, those who own +/- 95% of the wealth, to pay an equitable share of the tax burden, for that would be wealth-bashing. And do not be influenced by the fact that the good ole USofA has fallen to/is near the bottom in almost all measurements of quality of life, all these sacrifices in the quality of life for society in general and a burgeoning/widening in the inequality of income, all brought to you by design of and made possible by your friendly RW government.