The facts are the facts the stimulus worked.
House Republican Leader John Boehner delivered a stinging critique of Obama Administration economic policies at the City Club of Cleveland on Tuesday in
which he said that “all this stimulus spending has gotten us nowhere.”
When asked about that statement at a Monitor-sponsored breakfast for reporters on Wednesday, Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s Analytics and
co-founder of said, “that is just wrong, the stimulus has been very helpful.”
Mr. Zandi was an advisor to John McCain’s presidential campaign. The Wall Street Journal has called him “the de facto chief economist to Congress.”
In noting his disagreement with the Republican leader, Zandi said “we would be in a measurably worse place if not for the stimulus. I don’t think it is any
coincidence that the great recession ended at precisely the same time that the stimulus, and in this case when I say stimulus I am talking about the <[br />American Recovery and Reinvestment Act] ….was providing its maximum economic benefit.” That maximum benefit came in the second and third quarter
of 2009, Zandi said.