Edited on Thu Aug-26-10 10:08 AM by WI_DEM
California--Boxer and Brown in tight races for Senator/Governor--This is a state where, by and large, Obama has maintained a pretty good approval rating--around 55%. Obama recently sent out a fund raising e-mail to supporters urging them to contribute to Brown's campaign. Brown's website crashed due to the onslaught.
North Carolina--competitive Senate race. Obama approval in the state is a mediocre 45-47 percent (pick the poll), but the key to the democrats winning NC this year will be strong turn out among African-American voters, which is how Obama won the state in 2008. Typically in an off-year turnout is down, but if Obama could work the African-American community hard and push its turnout higher than anticipated it could make a difference.
Maine/Vermont/Rhode Islands--Competitive Governor races in all state--Obama's approval rating in all states is in the mid 50's--the better we do in governor's races the better we do in redistricting. Vermont has not elected a Dem governor since Howard Dean.
Illinois--the president's home state where he continues to have a fairly good approval rating in the mid 50's. There is a tight senate race and governors race and Obama might be able to generate some excitment.
Oregon--Latest poll gives Obama 53% approval in state--there is a tight governor's race (but Senate race looks good for Wyden).
Washington State--Obama has a low to mid 50% approval in state which has a competitive Senate race.
Maryland--One of Obama's best states with approval rating in high 50's-large African-American population and a competitive Governor's race.
Delaware--both Obama and VP Biden remain popular--The Castle is favored in senate race but recent poll shows him under 50% and his opponent isn't as well-known. Dems have a good shot at picking up Castle's house seat.
Wisconsin--Obama is in high 40's in polling here, and we have tight battles for governor and senate. Obama might be able to generate excitement and turnout in Milwaukee and Madison if he held rallies there. To win we need big numbers out of both.
Those are the ones that come to mind right now. Feel free to add.