Jason Linkins at Huffington Post:
Back in April, the Louisiana Democratic Party released an attack ad pitched to reminding Louisiana voters of incumbent Senator David Vitter's (R-La.) "Forgotten Crimes" -- specifically, his prostitution scandals. At the time, I found the ad to be a wee bit over-the-top in tone and content (it included a teasing, crime scene "dramatization" with a near crotch-shot) given the fact that these scandals were, in my estimation, unforgettable.
Well, I owe the Louisiana Democratic Party a big fat apology, because as it turns out, a sizable portion of the electorate has no knowledge of Vitter's past. Per Brian Beutler, at TPM:
New Louisiana polling data to be released later today shows David Vitter maintaining a double digit lead over his likely rival, Rep. Charlie Melancon, and benefiting from the fact that the electorate there remains largely in the dark about his scandals.
Given the fact that Chet Traylor jumped into the GOP primary contest at the last minute for the precise reason that Vitter was so scandal-tainted, this comes as something of a surprise. For my part, I can't imagine that I know anyone who, if asked, "Tell me the first thing that comes to mind when I say 'David Vitter,'" wouldn't respond with "prostitutes" or "diapers" or "DC madam."
The good news for Melancon (who has been pressing heavily on the more recent Brent Furer matter) is that if he finds himself down in the polls at the moment, he might be able to make up some ground by enlightening that 35% that is somehow unaware of Vitter's past. In the matter of my evaluation of the Louisiana Democrats' "Forgotten Crimes" ad, however, I was clearly wrong, and so, for them, I'll cue up the appropriate Social Distortion song.
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