"...THERE IS NO SECRET 'BIG ECONOMIC INITIATIVE,' BUT THERE COULD BE.... The lead New York Times editorial today begins, "If President Obama has a big economic initiative up his sleeve, as he hinted recently, now would be a good time to let the rest of us in on it."
I agree with the latter half, but I'm not sure White House has hinted about any upcoming economic plan. I'd love to be wrong, but the evidence seems to suggest the president and his team are prepared to move forward with existing policy, coupled with some small-but-worthwhile measures still pending in Congress. The "hint" came on Wednesday, when we learned that Obama and his economic team held a conference call to discuss "the next steps to keep the economy growing," but a closer look suggested those "next steps" are limited to the existing tax-rate plan and the bill with small-business incentives.
Indeed, Jake Tapper reported Friday that the president's team believes, under the circumstances, "there aren't any more major initiatives the administration will push in further attempts to revive the sputtering economy."
Washington Monthly