Edited on Mon Aug-30-10 08:47 AM by RBInMaine
Ever see the 1990's Oliver Stone film "Nixon"? In one scene, during the primary season before the '64 elections, Nixon is at a NY cocktail party. Nelson Rockefeller, who was challenging Goldwater for the Republican prez nomination, confronts Nixon (a Goldwater man, of course) and says to Nixon (pretty close to this), "So is your boy Goldwater going to split the party? Every time the Republican Party turns to extremism we lose the god damn election. McCarthy never did you any favors in the long run, did he? That's right."
This year, the Republicans have again turned to radicalism, and it is just wonderful for our side. Already Dems candidates, the DNC, and even VEEP Biden are exploiting it. It is the THE best narrative we have, and it is a god damn good one.
The Republicans have crossed the bridge to crazy land, and all we have to do is blow up the bridge so they can't get back. That means ATTACKING the ever living crap out of them relentlessly as the very radicals that they are on every issue and in every way. Independents are mostly pretty thoughtful, and most will not accept wild extremists. Yes, the economy is always the main issue, but there again it fits wonderfully with the Radical Republican narrative. They want to dismantle SS and Medicare, go back to Wall St. deregulation, repeal healthcare reform, etc.
We just need to take every issue and tie it around their over-arching radicalism. This can and should be great fun, and we have nothing at all to lose by clearly and powerfully bloodying their fucking radical right wing eyeballs at every single turn of the page.
As to Beck's dog and pony show desecrating the name of Dr. King this past weekend, I actually LOVE it. They have just heavily motivated not just the African American base to come out and vote in large numbers in November, but many other progressives as well. The RePUKEs just insist upon isolating African Americans and every other non-ultra-white racial and ethnic group so that they will never vote RePUKElican.
We have good candidates, a lot of money, and a great line of attack against the TeaRadical RePUKElicans. There is no reason we can't hold the majorities.
I don't know if Rockefeller ever actually said something like, "Every time we turn to extremism we lose the election," but I for one have been out there canvassing and donating, and I intend to once again prove that right.