Edited on Mon Aug-30-10 03:05 PM by WI_DEM
(This poll backs up the TIME poll of a week or so ago which had Obama at 46/45)
Newsweek 8/25-26/10; 1,029 adults, 3.7% margin of error 856 registered voters, 4.1% margin of error Mode: Live telephone interviews (Newsweek release)
2010 Congress: Generic Ballot 45% Republican, 45% Democrat (chart)
Obama Job Approval 47% Approve, 45% Disapprove (chart) Dems: 82 / 14 (chart) Reps: 8 / 88 (chart) Inds: 41 / 48 (chart) Economy: 40 / 56 (chart) Health Care: 43 / 51 (chart)
As far as you know, what is Barack Obama's religion? Is he a Christian, a Muslim, or something else? 42% Christian, 24% Muslim, 10% Something else
Party ID 35% Democrat, 27% Republican, 29% independent (chart)
Per Newsweek: The NEWSWEEK poll over the weekend tries to lighten the mood, with mixed results.
As Democrats prepare for considerable losses in the November elections, there’s reason to believe the party in power may not be headed for the bloodbath it might expect. According to a new NEWSWEEK Poll, President Obama’s approval rating—47 percent—indicates that the party is better off this year than Republicans were in 2006, when the GOP lost 30 House seats, and than the Democrats were in 1994, when they lost 52 House seats.
This isn't the final word on polling by any means, but there are some good points made about current affairs. For example, it's common to talk about Obama's "plummeting" numbers, but sans Rasmussen, they aren't plummeting. (When he gets to the 30's like Carter or George W. Bush, call me):
Obama’s approval has fallen 1 percentage point since the last NEWSWEEK survey in June, but the White House has gained ground on several specific issues, specifically his handling of the economy, which has risen to 40 percent (from 38 percent) over the past two months. Voters also generally approve of Obama’s response to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the administration’s handling of the war in Iraq, which Obama is expected to address next week from the