Time to replace your advisors, Mr. President. Unfortunately, you are too insulated to ever see this letter. Even worse, you believe that your loyal bubble makers, those closest to you, those who keep you advised, well, they are too important to you to replace, and besides, who else can you trust?
You've done great things (in your mind), and are confused why the natives are restless, and your numbers keep dropping.
Here's a hint. You live in a bubble. You are completely out of touch with your base. You have angered, dismayed, and scared liberals, progressives, and moderates, by dropping critical issues and moving to the right, skipping the center altogether.
I've donated money, I've walked the streets, I've made calls, and I've gotten the vote out. You know what? I am not doing that anymore. Instead of thinking about radical solutions to allegedly intractable problems (say, unemployment), you hired the very people who created the mess. You listened to those who want the status quo, with a few tweaks. In doing so, you have ignored the needs of the middle class, and pandered to Wall Street, Big Pharma, and worst of all, to the GOP. You've lost my vote, Mr. President, and hundreds of thousands like me are dismayed, angry and frustrated. AT YOU. Trust me, we'd rather be for you.
You don't have much time left as president with a majority in both houses. If you don't make some earth-shattering changes now, you will lose the house, and quite possibly the senate. Your last two years will be hell, and the only way you can win in 2012 is if the GOP overreaches.
I don't think you have it in you to make a change. Not only won't your handlers let you do it, (their own jobs are at risk), but you don't see the need for it. Rather than fight for what is right, you compromise, and in doing so, you lose support from both sides. It is a shame. This admin had so much promise, and so far, every important promise has been broken. No, there will be no grand schemes, there will be no new plans, there will be no staff changes. As Mr. Krugman so aptly stated, you will limp into a disastrous November.
Perhaps, once Issa and others start issuing never-ending subpoenas, forcing your staff to spend all their time on responses, and almost none on administration, you will realize that the GOP never intended to cooperate with you. You should have learned that in 2009. Your failure to do so then, and your inability to change tactics or direction now, will doom this presidency. Unfortunately, we cannot afford another GOP take over, but given the lack of leadership within the White House, that seems to be sure to happen.
Good luck, Mr. President. We need it. Our country needs it. But you seem dead set against doing anything to increase your luck, and your chances of success.