Public Policy Polling (8/27-28, likely voters, 7/27-31 in parentheses):
Elaine Marshall (D): 38 (37)
Richard Burr (R-inc): 43 (39)
Michael Beitler (L): 6 (7)
Undecided: 13 (17)
(MoE: ±3.6%)
Things are looking pretty stable in the North Carolina Senate race according to PPP. Richard Burr has put a little distance between him and Elaine Marshall, with most of the movement to Burr coming out of the undecided column, as it seems like he's finally getting better acquainted with his constituents (he's up to only 20% "no opinion," a Paris Hilton level of celebrity compared to where he was a year and a half ago; he has 38/42 approvals). Marshall is still laboring in obscurity by comparison, although she's at least in positive territory, with 24/21 favorables.
The move from a 2-point Burr lead to a 5-point lead may seem like bad news, but Burr's leads were 5, 7, and 1 in previous PPP polls, so it's all routine movement within a narrow band. The overall regression lines are showing some mild tightening; the question is whether there's enough time and money for Marshall to make her case in the next few months, or whether Burr can ride the national environment to another term.