Where are the progressive organizations? What is their nationwide response to the Tea Party? To the Rand Pauls who want to legalize discrimination, to the Sharron Angles who want to privatize social security, to the Republican leadership that wants to starve and bankrupt the unemployed, to the radical right that tries to recriminalize homosexuality, to the Jan Brewers who want to judge citizenship by race, to the Sarah Palins who want to label all Muslims terrorists, to the corporate sycophants who want to pretend there's no global warming, to the militarists who want to attack Iran and North Korea, to the Wall Street gang that brought about this great recession?
I certainly have my issues with Obama, but ever since Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin stole MLK's dream-speech day, I think I'll redirect my anger at the progressive groups, the one's with the money, organizing skills, and mailing lists to create a front against the Tea Party. They are the ones I looked to, the ones I followed, the ones who got me to make phone calls, go to rallies in NYC and elsewhere, and unite to defeat the Republicans and end the war in Iraq. They need to lead us again, to help us keep the pressure on Washington including the Democrats. We need to fight back against the Tea Party. This is not about being pro- or anti-Obama, it's about fighting the surge of fascism in this country. Obama and the Democrats have largely acted as expected, but it's the progressive groups like MoveOn, the labor unions, civil rights groups, and environmental groups that are the ones who are really failing us. Why aren't they organizing nationwide protests, not for Obama, but against the radical right wing elements that are gaining power in our nation?