Edited on Thu Sep-02-10 09:30 AM by Drunken Irishman
Remember in 2001 when Republicans did nothing but blame Clinton for the recession? Then they blamed him for 9/11. Then they even blamed him for a recession that happened nearly a decade after he left office!
They, of course, conveniently ignored the fact Bush had inherited a growing economy, albeit one that was slowed, and a budget surplus.
Clinton didn't piss that away. You could debate the recession was coming regardless, but that's just the economic cycle. It ain't what you do during the build up of a recession, rather what you do in the wake of one. Recessions happen. It's how you respond to them that keeps them from turning into what we saw throughout the 00s - a no-growth decade.
If Bush had even a hint of economic understanding, he would have seen the jobless recovery of the late 2004 post-recession was leading us down the path of economic depression.
That was the moment things could have been salvaged to the point where none of it went to hell in 2008. Maybe. But even then, he didn't try.
If Clinton failed to get bin Laden, Bush failed to foresee economic troubles ahead because, for whatever reason, the Republicans were convinced their small growth out of the 2001 recession would balloon into something similar to other post-recession booms.
It didn't.
But that's the irony. Republicans spent the entire first four years of Bush's term explaining away everything as Clinton's fault.
Except they could never really explain away how Bush took over an economy on mostly solid grounds and ran it into the ground in record time.
Now they get upset when Democrats and Obama blame Bush for our current situation. Yet they can't explain away how Obama inherited a country hemorrhaging almost 800,000 jobs when he became president to one that, at the current rate, is still losing jobs - but at a much lower rate than before. Tack on the fact there were months of progress, and overall, Pres. Obama has seen far more economic stability in his first two years than Bush ever saw in his last two.
It's not a good place we're in - but we're on the path.
Under Bush, we strayed so far off the path, that the light of it was only a distant dot on the horizon.
But we can't blame him for it. It's Obama's fault Bush wrecked the economy.