In June, when he first started the "D-is-for-drive, R-is-for-reverse" theme, what was everybody talking about 24/7?
Illegal immigration.
Because 60% of the public agrees with the Arizona law (even though we know that 60% is a bunch of clueless dumbasses)
In July, when Obama began talking about letting the tax cuts for the wealthy expire while keeping them for the middle class... what was everybody talking about 24/7?
Prop 8 being overturned.
Because even though we are 100% correct in supporting marriage equality, it is a wedge issue that fires up teabaggers.
In August, when Obama began talking about Small Business tax cuts to spur hiring... what was everybody talking about 24/7?
A proposed mosque near Ground Zero in NYC.
Because even though we are 100% constitutionally correct in supporting their right to build a mosque... 60% of the population is against it.
Now... in September... when Obama began talking about the economy and some new proposals to jumpstart things.. what will everybody be talking about 24/7?
Quran burning by wack-job preachers.
Because keeping the "scary muslins!!11!!!!" story in the news keeps the teabagger wack-jobs fired up and not noticing what the GOP is planning domestically.
Obama *has* shown that he gets that it is "the economy, stupid". But every time he starts turning the public debate toward the economy and the different visions of the Democrats and Republicans toward addressing it.... the GOP, with help from the MSM, throws a shiny metal object in the air to capture the public's attention.
They realize that if the middle class starts thinking about the economy and the different approaches that the Democrats have from the Republicans, that the Democrats have a more compelling argument and case to make.
...and their electoral hopes rest on the their frothing-at-the-mouth base being fired up over brown people, gays, and muslims when they go to the polls.
And every Democratic-leaning person who engages in discussing *THOSE* issues instead of economic solutions is doing the GOP's dirty work for them.
I'll say one thing about Karl Rove and others like him... they know how to push the right buttons with the ignorant electorate.
Let's... for once... not abet them.