Here is what he said about extending bushes tax cuts: " Ideally only the middle-class tax cuts would be continued for now. Getting a deal in Congress, though, may require keeping the high-income tax cuts, too. And that would still be worth it."
Now here is how my man John Cole translate that statement: "Orszag: Look- I spent the last two years busting my hump, seriously cutting into my dating life, to manhandle this disaster of a budget the Republicans left us, and there is no doubt that the deficit can never be addressed without letting the Bush tax cuts expire. But things are such a damned train wreck with the economy that extending the middle-class tax cuts might actually do some short term good. You know and I know that congress is filled with Republican shitheads and blue-dog Democrats, so the only way we might get that done is if we compromise and also extend the tax cuts for the rich. That is a compromise that might be worth it. If I had my way, only the middle-class cuts would continue, but sometimes you have to compromise. Here are a lot of numbers and facts that will make your eyes glaze over."
So stop hyperventilating and wake up to reality. In order for the POTUS to do what you want him to do, give him a congress that will work with him to get shit passes. Its that simple.