Boehner campaigns for California congressional candidate
By Michael Doyle | McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON — House Minority Leader John Boehner's route to the Capitol Hill summit is heading straight through the San Joaquin Valley.
In appearances Thursday in Fresno and Modesto, the Ohio congressman will raise tens of thousands of dollars for his fellow Republican and congressional candidate Jeff Denham. Denham, in turn, hopes to help elevate Boehner to House speaker, a position of real clout.
Denham's two fundraisers Thursday could help pay off a primary campaign debt that totaled $311,656 as of June 30, as well as prepare for the general election campaign. Denham will also be delivering $100,000 to the National Republican Congressional Committee.
"He's demonstrating to the caucus that he's interested in being a team player," said Ted Maness, chief of staff to Rep. George Radanovich, R-Mariposa. "He does realize that he has an obligation as an incoming member."
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