Edited on Wed Sep-08-10 08:16 PM by RBInMaine
I am a staunch supporter of Obama and Dems. I am a very active Dem (local party officer, local campaign volunteer...). But the one major thing for which I have been critical of Obama has been his seemingly odd insistance on trying to "work" with RePUKES. From the day after he was elected they started "campaigning" for 2010 by opposing EVERYTHING he and the Dem majority have tried to do. He was elected with a populist mandate, and he should have ridden that wave like a fucking missile right down their fucking throats. This was NEVER a GOP he was going to be able to "work" with. That GOP is long gone. What you have now is a sad nasty gang of TeaFuckwad radicals who want to divide Americans at all costs and make everyone else a slave as they steal from the poor and middle class to give it to the fat filthy rich and their benefactor corporations.
Obama HAS been out there some during his term thus far, and he knew long ago and HAS SAID what their agenda was. (Remember the "Waterloo" remark?) But, what he should have been doing from day one was firmly and pretty LOUDLY saying, "Republicans, you had your turn. Now it is our turn. We won. You lost. Grow up and actually work with us, or get the hell out of the way because we are going to do what is right for average Americans and steamroll you. Average Americans have gotten the royal shaft, and we are going to work for them now and not Big Money. Period." Then every time RePUKES obstructed, there should have been a war room response within THAT narrative" "We are doing what is right for America which is suffering from the Republican Recession. They lost an election, and now they are only obstructing because they they think it will help them win the next sorry. Sorry, that game isn't going to work. We are calling it out. They made this mess, and now we are cleaning it up with or without their help. THEY made the mess. They messed it up BIGTIME. And we are NOT going to let them continue to mess it up." Obama (and Dems) should have been up on the airwaves and out in the public from DAY ONE bashing the shit out of those fuckers and taking firm control of the narrative.
Make no mistake. He and Dems have made great accomplishments. But the clear, powerful, ass-kicking, emotional, moral narrative was all too often fuzzy or missing. The fire was missing. The crystal clear lazer-beamed direction was missing. The spine-tingling powerful words were missing. Kicking the RePUKES when they were down was missing. In a recession, people get down in the dumps. You have to lift them up. He went into Mr. Spock mode all too often when he needed to STAY in Kick Ass Captain Kirk mode. He was all too often too aloof. Good to play chess behind the scenes, but you need to be a boxer in front of the cameras. He just wasn't being the inspirer that he was during the '08 campaign, and THAT has been the error. And to a large degree this can be said of many of the Dems. They need to learn how to FIGHT FULL TIME. This is one lesson that they MUST learn. THAT is how you keep your base energized and engaged, and also how you keep MUCH of the rest of the electorate with you too.
He's back in the swing now, and if we pull together, work the ground, and PUNCH THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF THE TEA-RADICAL RESCUMLICANS AT EVERY TURN we'll hold our own in November. So don't spend time worrying. Just work and FIGHT. And take heart that we still have plenty of time, polls are already looking better, and we just need to keep it up. I've been canvassing, donating, and email-messaging. Later I'll be phone banking. Let's do it ! (PS: Looks like our local State House candidate is going to FLIP the current RePUKE the hell out on his ass, but we have a LONG way to go. Taking NOTHING for granted.)