KS-04: Internal poll says Dem upset possible, with or without Hartman It is probably high time for everyone to put this race on the radar screens, despite being an open seat in a district with a considerable GOP tilt. An acrimonious GOP primary, plus a stronger-than-average Democratic nominee, seems to have put this Wichita-based district in play. A slightly dusty internal poll from Democrat Raj Goyle's campaign (courtesy of Gerstein-Agne Strategic Communications) from mid-August gave Republican Mike Pompeo a mere three-point edge (50-47). What's more, the withdrawal of Libertarian candidate David Moffett, for health reasons may well throw the race into total upheaval. One of the candidates that Pompeo defeated for the GOP nomination, wealthy businessman Wink Hartman, will announce in the next couple of days whether or not he will seek the nod of the Libertarian Party to run on their line. Hartman and the Libertarians met together yesterday to discuss such a bid.
www.dailykos (under polling/political wrap)