Steve King is another repug who is afraid to participate in a debate with his opponent.
From Huffington Post:
"Yesterday, Campbell attended King’s town hall meeting in Sioux City, IA, to confront him about his fear of engaging in a debate. After some introductory remarks, King — seeming not to know who Campbell was — recognized Campbell for a question. Campbell politely asked, 'You have never debated an opponent in eight years since you’ve been in office and I’d like to know whether you this year will participate in a live televised debate for the viewers to be informed as to the decision they are making.'”
King replied: "And my answer to that is that, judging by the fashion that you’ve conducted yourself, you have not earned it." It takes a special sort of man to use bravado to proclaim his yellowness!
Click for pics (Campbell's pretty cute!): to entire post featuring 24 Scaredy Cats: