If you support the Bush tax cuts continuing for rich folks, the Republicans aren't going to suddenly say, "oh wait, we won't call that dude a 'tax and spender' because he took a different position on the tax cuts".
They are going to say whatever the hell they want, which will be to call you a tax raising nun-beater who performs abortions on the side.
So all your strategic genius is going to count for naught, except that if it screws up the overall tax cut for the middle class, by complicating it, you will have had a hand in killing the one good thing that could come out of this.
So quit thinking you're geniuses in bucking both the party and, well, most of the American people in your "clever", third way positioning.
Stop playing both sides to gain advantage. Get your brain out of 1993, that does not work anymore.
(And Dianne Feinstein, you aren't blue dog, but I know you think you're clever like dat --so I'm talking to you too --screw this up as you tried to do with the health care legislation --we remember, dear...screw that up and us locals will make sure NOTHING gets named after you.)
Sorry for my anger, but I'm getting impatient with Democrats unwilling to take the lumps associating with having positions on things. :grr: