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Do Pollsters IGNORE Deaf Voters?

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nmbluesky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-15-10 01:46 PM
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Do Pollsters IGNORE Deaf Voters?
I must get this off my chest and share them with you. Since I discovered POLL by phone, not websites. I wonder if the polling results (with many of them being a 4% margin for error) actually represents the population? Has any Pollsters ever use Relay Service to call Deaf voters? Has any Deaf Democrats and Deaf Republicans or Deaf (any other Party) ever received a phone call from any pollsters asking them questions on who or what they will vote for if the elections were held “today”?

I have never received any calls from pollsters. Just last week, I received a call from my energy provider company asking survey questions, which was suppose to take 12 minutes, ended up taking more than 30 minutes. Couldn’t this extra time be the reason why pollsters do not want to contact Deaf voters for their opinions?
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Rhiannon12866 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-15-10 01:54 PM
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1. This is an excellent question. I wonder, too...
You should ask this in the Deaf/Hard of Hearing Group here. From what I've experienced when these political pollsters have (rarely) called me, they were very grateful that I was willing to take the time to answer their questions, said that most people just hang up on them... :shrug:
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Nicholas D Wolfwood Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-15-10 02:03 PM
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2. I would highly doubt that it would make any significant impact.
According to Gallaudet, at an absolute maximum, only 2.2% of the population have a severe hearing impairment (which includes people who can hear but have difficulties in normal conversation), and half of those are 65+. Given how few people get polled in the first place, I can't see any statistical reason to believe this skews polling.
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