.... and CALL your Senators and ask them to
vote YES on the Dream Act.http://www.contactingthecongress.org/Senate to Consider DREAM Act Immigration ReformABC News’ Devin Dwyer reports: If you thought last month’s bipartisan border security package was the only immigration reform Congress would consider this year, think again.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced today that he will offer the controversial DREAM Act as an amendment to a major defense bill expected to receive a Senate vote next week.
“This amendment will ensure that millions of children who grow up as Americans will be able to get the education they need to contribute to our economy,” Reid in a statement.
The DREAM Act, which has some bipartisan support, would allow young illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. before age 16, and have been here for at least five years, to earn legal status if they pass background checks, attend college or serve in the military for at least two years.
http://blogs.abcnews.com/thenote/2010/09/senate-to-consider-dream-act-immigration-reform.html .... when you're done calling, THEN you can go back to wasting your time on the Internet .... like I am. :)