and have the audacity to tell or pressure the democrat to drop out. The democratic party never got behind MEEK and he announced his candidacy in January 2009.But as soon as no party crist (still won't say who he will caucas with) made his independent move prominent dems (markos) started encouraging him to switch parties and passive aggressively starting supporting his campaign.
This is the reason for my post: <"On paper, the 44-year-old Meek appears to be a dream candidate for the Democratic Party: A loyal disciple in Congress and the Florida Legislature known for scuffling with former Republican Gov. Jeb Bush. The first statewide candidate to qualify for the Florida ballot by gathering voter signatures, about 125,000 in all. The victorious underdog in last month's Democratic primary against a hard-charging billionaire."[br />"Unlike Crist and Rubio, Meek opposes the tax cuts enacted under former President George W. Bush for the wealthiest Americans and favors the health care overhaul that is going into effect. He calls himself the candidate for the "people who take the early bus'' and has made a point of shaking hands with nursing home employees, cafeteria workers and other union members before dawn."]
But progressives complains bout bluedogs , but won't support a progressive candidate in FL? As far as his electability issue, progressives support kuchinich presidential campaign every four or more years, but won't get behind a progressive who who has better odds of winning a statewide election?
I'm confused and I'm sure that their are many in Fl who has the same confusion.