My Predictions:
Democratic wins Arkansas New Hampshire New York Colorado Connecticut Maryland Hawaii Massachusetts Vermont Minnesota Ohio Oregon California Florida
Analysis: The three I'm less than certain about are Florida, Connecticut and Ohio. The GOP has the momentum, it seems, in the Governor's race in CT. Two recent polls have Foley leading narrowly, but I believe if the Senate race goes solidly for Blumenthal that it will be enough to pull Malloy over the line. Ohio, clearly Strickland has the momentum according to several polls--even if Kasich is narrowly leading. Also, Strickland appears to have a lead in early voting--PPP put it at five-points. In Florida, Sink recently has had a small lead in most polls. I'm hoping that Meek still being in the Senate race will bring out a strong African-American vote. I am worried about statistics showing that the GOP has a big lead in early voting, however.
GOP wins: Nebraska Wyoming Alabama Michigan Oklahoma Pennsylvania Arizona South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Alaska Idaho Kansas Utah Illinois Iowa Nevada Maine Georgia Wisconsin Texas New Mexico
Independent: Rhode Island (Chafee)
Analysis: Early on I had hopes for Wisconsin, but it appears WI will not be friendly territory for Dems on November 2. I haven't seen one major independent poll showing Danish ahead in New Mexico. Mitchell in Maine is being hurt by an independent candidate. I also had hopes for Texas but appears that Goodhair is pulling away. Most major polls in IL show Quinn down 4-8 points.
Democratic pick-ups (6) Hawaii, Vermont, Minnnesota, California, Connecticut, Florida
GOP pick-ups (11) Wyoming, Michigan, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Kansas, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Wisconsin, New Mexico
Independent pick-up (1) Rhode Island
Right now I'm predicting a net pick-up in Governorships for the GOP of 4 (with Dems taking 6 GOP governorships and independent taking 1 GOP governorship, while GOP picks up 11 Democratic governorships). If Dems actually do carry CA and FL--those would be two big bragging rights for Dems. However, I wouldn't be surprised if GOP picks up between 4-6 Governorships.