Obama: “This isn’t about politics”
By Erica Sagrans - Oct 31, 2010 1:06:57 PM ET
OFA volunteers have all sorts of motivations for doing what they do—but for most, it’s deeply personal reasons that inspire them to keep at it each day.
Speaking to thousands of supporters in Ohio, Michelle Obama shared what keeps her going day in and day out:
My children are the center of my world—and when I think about the issues facing our nation right now, I think about what that means for our girls, and the world that we’re leaving for them and all of our children. There is so much at stake—this is about more than just politics—it’s about whether or not we as a people can move forward through times of challenge, and cynicism, and frustration. And use the opportunity we’ve been given to build better communities and to build a better country.
Video here: