in Poland. My husband and I had voted a couple of weeks earlier -- Virginia at the time (and I wonder if they were the first state to do so) had set up early voting places about three weeks before the election. In an era when getting an absentee ballot, if you knew ahead of time that you'd be away from home, was a HUGE hassle, Virginia made it pleasant and easy to vote when it was convenient.
So here we are in Krakow,Poland, unable to pick up an English-language radio station on our short-wave set in the room. The day before we could pick up reports about the early turn-out in the U.S., but now, when it all should have been decided, we couldn't get a thing. So we went to breakfast in the youth hostel where we were staying, and some French students at the next table told us that Reagan had won. We were stunned and horrified. We went over to the U.S. Consulate office to see if they knew anything more, and the Consulate guy himself said he knew absolutely nothing beyond the fact that Reagan had won and he understood the Republicans now had control of Congress, and was hoping to get his weekly diplomatic pouch from Warsaw delivered a little early.
We flew back to the U.S. about a week later, still not believing what had happened. And that election, my friends, was the beginning of our long national nightmare that continues to this day.