If anyone needed a wake-up call that the Republicans can try to bring back the Bush years, it is now.
Obama's veto pen will get a workout in the next couple years if he even has to look at legislation from the Party of Now, who will have to legislate and deal with the inner bombastic nonsense from the Tea Party crowd.
The key will be to bash the Republicans for their extremism and watch them implode with their asinine comments and insipid goals to appease the extreme right.
Send in the clowns. We got this.
As for the RNC announcing that they are going after Palin, that is going to be amusing as hell. She will be on Fox asking for more pity. She will dissolve, although I hope she runs in 2012.
Face it. Blue Dogs lost and now we have the actual Republicans to run against in 2012. The silver lining is that we cleaned house of non-progressive Blue dogs and can run real progressives in a couple years.
I will greatly enjoy Republicans trying to take away healthcare for those who have benefited from Obama's healthcare reform. I will greatly enjoy Republicans wanting to continue a failed war in Afghanistan that is very unpopular. I will greatly enjoy the Republicans trying to appease the Far Right Superstition base with anti-evolution bills and other nonsense.
Let Act III begin.