Oh, yeah.
There's only simulated joy in mudville today, folks. The veneer is already cracking as the Baggers spew fiery rhetoric about how they expect Great Things from their now-elected darlings, and start making their "hit list" for 2012. And the smiles on the faces of the "old guard" GOPpies are lookin' mighty thin and strained as they look at the laundry list of vague promises they now have to make specific and deliver on.
They have told everyone that they will do great things.
And they won't.
And we will sit there and keep them from doing the worst terrible things, using their very own model of "bipartisanship" (i.e.: "Both parties work together to do exactly what the minority party wants.")
And at the end of two years, nothing will have changed and the Ignorance is Bliss segment of the electorate will be even more pissed off... and this time they'll be pissed off at Weeper Boehner & Krewe.
But hey... they're CELEBRATING! They got what they wanted!!
I'm so happy for them.
Really, I am. :evilgrin:
Enjoy it, GOPies.
You got what you want.
Now have fun choking on it.
maliciously, Bright