I've been off the boards, off television and radio since last night. I don't know what all has been discussed and dissected to death all night. But I feel like I was hit by a truck.
Not necessarily because of the much vaunted victory by the Republicans and the Tea Baggers... but how they managed to roll over everyone and everything in their path, and how the public swallowed the swill they were selling.
This isn't just a political loss; what happened in this election is assasination by proxy. The republican/tea party gang didn't defeat their democratic opposition. They defeated President Obama; not only were they intent on his defeat, but on his demolition. The invectives that lead to this train wreck were the goal of his humiliation at their hand. The bullies have succeeded in not only getting their own way, they've lowered the standards of political dialog, and they've raised the tolerance level of hatred. They were following the directives that have been leveled at the president since the day of the inauguration: we must get the black man.
They've declared him illegitimate, illegal, immoral, alien, infidel and the spawn of Satan. They have screamed, sobbed, marched, fingered, cursed, lied, conneived, used inflammatory images, and broken every one of their precious ten commandments to prove their righteous, smug, self-gratified points. Everything the republican/tea party voices have said have declared open war on the president. And no matter your personal opinion of his skills, or lack of them, this is unacceptable in a civilized nation.
Why didn't the president get angry? Why didn't he fight back? Why didn't he answer the lies, point by point? The president is skilled at keeping cool. If he were to raise the temperature of his dialog, he'd be branded a hot headed radical. If he answered the falsehoods point by point, he'd give them more attention. As my mother used to say: when you wrestle with pigs, you get filthy, and the pigs love it. But it seems as if presently we're a nation of World Wide WRestling swine.
The fact that such incivility and falsehood have swayed so many raises the curtain on the lack of insight and intelligence of the masses. But the notion that violence is the way to get rid of one who stand in the way is just the opening salvo of what is to come.
I fear for the president's life; I fear for his family. I fear for our country, and for the future of our children.
I can't see light shining through the fog. I have no trust in any of these so called 'victors.' Now they have to spin gold from the straw they've been selling the American public. And it ain't gonna be pretty.