Edited on Wed Nov-03-10 05:28 PM by PopSixSquish
to see who is the baby and who is the bathwater...
Rep. Baron Hill (IN-09) - voted against the Wall Street bailout and for HCR
Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-03) - supports the repeal DADT and is a co-sponsor of the EFCA
Rep. Harry Mitchell (AZ-05)- voted for SCHIP and HRC, stimulus, against extending the Bush tax cuts
Rep. Patrick Murphy (PA-08) - Bronze Star for service in Iraq, voted against the troop surge, lead advocate for repealing DADT, 100% rating from NARAL in 2008, voted for the stimulus and HCR
Rep. Scott Murphy (NY-20) - former staffer for Mel Carnahan, won Senator Gillibrand's House seat in a special election, opposed the Stupak Amendment, voted for HCr
Yes, many of the Blue Dogs were royal pains in the ass, but not all of them. Like most people, they hold different views on different subjects. However, they were members of the Democratic Party and we should no more celebrate their defeat than we would celebrate the defeat of Russ Feingold or Joe Sestak.
Personally, I'm sick to my stomach that these 6 representatives (I include Joe Sestak since we lost his district also).