sat there with the little turd Cantor and said...they are not going to create jobs, they are not going to stop jobs from going overseas nor are the going to start repairing our crumbling infrastructure. What they are going to do is repeal and change all the bills and laws that Obama with the help of the Democrats have passed during the past two years. They are going to repeal the Health Care Law and the law that does some reigning of wall street. This because the people of America have spoken and want him to do this, to stop Obama's agenda.
So the stupid craps all across America that voted for these republicans to PAY OBAMA BACK FOR BEING BLACK AND A DEMOCRAT aren't going to get the jobs they want, they aren't going to have wall street not create another meltdown, they are going to have the one good thing that has happened to this country torn up and done away with. HEALTH CARE FOR THE PEOPLE. No more unemployment benefits, they will try to privatize social security, medicare and do away with medicaid all together. BUT BUT BUT they are going to get tax cuts for big business and the rich. And of course for themselves. And since they are mostly all unemployed what in the hell good are tax cuts.
I wish these things would only effect the dumb asses that voted for them, but the sad thing is a lot of Americans who needed jobs are going to have any life line they had taken away. We are going to have crowds of homeless families roaming the country. BUT they will get tax cuts and of course have their health insurance taken away.
How is that for the way the republicans are going to try to run the country. And I will tell you right now listening to Obama and knowing the Democrats, they aren't going to do a damn thing to stop them.