Edited on Thu Nov-04-10 01:00 AM by Politics_Guy25
I didn't want to say this because I was worried Harry Reid would lose - he was down by 2.4 points on average in the final polling- to Angle at the time but the thought crossed my mind that whoever won the Reid/Angle race would give us an indication as to who would win the Obama V Palin 2012 presidential election.
Harry Reid's template worked magnificiently against Angle in 2010 and resulted in a landslide win. Angle was Palin's protege and presumably Palin will run her 2012 campaign the same way Angle did.
So, using the power of the incumbency, by defining his opponent even in a state with the highest unemployment rate in the nation, by exposing her craziness, he won, even in a terrible climate.
Doesn't Reid's victory provide a very clear indication that President Obama will defeat Sarah Palin in 2012? The two campaigns do have striking parallels.
The one bad thing is that like Angle, I bet Palin is ahead until the final weekend of the GE, until the voters wake up and say WTF-we can't elect this crazy. That would be heartburn inducing for sure.
Anyway, rambled a bit, but I just think Reid's victory last night showed us that President Obama will defeat Palin in 2012 if he runs the same kind of campaign even if unemployment is still high. What do you think? Or do you think Palin is a much better and more appealing candidate than Angle? Surely not!?