,CST-NWS-mitch04.article Fear-mongers deliver victory for Republicans
They're partying in the House, but voters will suffer the hangover
November 4, 2010
BY MARY MITCHELL Sun-Times Columnist
Amazingly, it didn't seem to register with a lot of voters, and certainly not with those who sent at least 60 Republicans to the House, that more jobs were lost during George W. Bush's eight years in the White House.
The Obama's administration's relationship with the business community also is being called into question, and Obama took responsibility for any mistakes in that arena as well.
some observers also are questioning why so many businesses have been reluctant to hire workers despite the signs of an economic recovery. Some people even believe that the inaction is a deliberate attempt to undermine the president's policies.
I don't tend to buy in to conspiracy theories, even though we live in an era where the most popular pundits are those who are experts at manipulation and character assassination.
Nonetheless, I can't help but wonder if something more sinister than voter frustration is behind the seismic shift in Washington.snip//
For the last two years, the electorate has been subjected to lies about Obama's religion, his heritage and his agenda. These deliberate falsehoods were designed to scare the bejeezus out of anyone who waves the American flag.
Unfortunately, Tuesday's midterm massacre was as much a victory for the fear-mongers as it was for the Republican candidates who sought public office for a noble cause.
Apparently a lot of voters drank up every drop of the Obama-bashers' Kool-Aid.