I like what Michael Moore suggests...
Someone in the WestWing should show the President this interview.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=385x522194But there are some good ideas in that article.
They should get George Lakoff as a communications consultant.
Obama needs to move decisively — and quickly.
First, he needs to shale up the White House. He is surrounded by skilled policy wonks who can't shape political message to save their lives. He needs to hire a sharp, ruthless leader to play hardball politics while shaping and communicating his message. Time to get someone like Jeff Koopersmith or John Podesta in there, and fast.
Second, Obama should tap DNC chair Tim Kaine as chief of staff — he's a first-rate manager.
That would open up the chairmanship of the DNC — and the third thing Obama should do is bring back Howard Dean. Fifty state strategy, anyone?
The fourth step will be the most dangerous — but it will be a winner.
Obama needs to push back against what the Federalist-Society-dominated Supreme Court's decision in favor of political dirty tricksters Floyd Brown and David Bossie (the so-called "Citizens United" case) have done to America: injected hidden cash into political campaigns:
* Obama must confront K Street corruption in speeches.
* Obama must task Eric Holder with investigating the influence of foreign money, starting with the most powerful lobby of them all: the US Chamber of Commerce. The Justice Department needs to demand answers on how they launder money for foreign companies and governments. Within days, and with the help of snarky bloggers giving an ironic nod to the John Birch Society, they'll be known as the "Chamber of ChiComs." Nothing drives the right nuts like the cognitive dissonance of their own memes turned against them.
* The House is certainly not in a partisan position to take on the Federalist Supremos — but it makes a great campaign issue. Don't say "impeachment" — but DO say that Democrats WILL demand answers from those justices that voted to open the foreign money spigot once they take back the House.
At this point, what do the Dems have to lose by standing up and fighting???? I am actually tired of "compromise" and "Bipartisanship". I would think that Obama would be tired of pulling back that bloody stump every time he tries to reach across the aisle.