"we need to primary this President"
(designed to get Dems fighting with each other)
"Obama going to bring Hillary on as veep for '12"
(restart the primary wars, make Obama look weak)
"Obama bringing 34 war ships to India with him" (clearly false story meant to paint Obama as out of touch right after election)
"Obama to fire Geithner" (raise hopes so when it doesnt happen, liberals get disappointed)
"I'm moving to Canada" (meant to show liberals that it's no use, we should just give up)
"An apology to Hillary suppporters" (meant to show that Obama supporters have buyer's remorse, and you should too)
"Should progressives give up on politics?" (we should just guive up, it is hopeless)
There are many more examples. At conservative "shadow" sites that watch DU and other liberal sites, these are the tactics THEY are talking about. These are the kind of things they try on sites like ours to dishearten liberals.
Basically, any post that sounds defeatist and over the top in its despair and "giving up" should be taken with a grain of salt.
Plus... I monitor these shadow sites.... They're laughing at all the silly "Grayson in 2012!!" stuff and congratulating each other on the F.U.D. they're spreading on liberal sites (fear, uncertainty, and doubt)
Not ALL of it is GOP psyops, some of it is legitimate spinelessness and defeatism.
But in either case, don't succumb to it.