I understand the tax cut issue is going to be the next big issue which still baffles me why democrats didnt deal with this beforehand (or even right now before January) but what i dont understand is Obama's patent style of compromising before negotiations even begin. Everyone knows that extending these tax cuts will only hurt America more. If we are going to compromise then it will be to extend (temporarily) the middle-class tax cuts ONLY (ideally, let it all expire). But for god's sake, dont come out of the gates showing your hand and begging for scraps! It's embarrassing.
Use that bully pulpit and explain in simple terms weekly the reason the tax cuts must end (especially for the super-rich), and explain that if republicans attempt to pass a bill that extended these tax cuts for the rich, which would lead to an epic unrecoverable disaster, you would veto it without hesitation even if it had the tax-cuts for Middle-class americans in it. Show some backbone, for once! It's a threat to republicans and to congress that you mean business and that they shouldnt waste their time if they even want to mess with you. Right now republicans have no fear of Obama. If anything they think they can manipulate him to get what they want. Why should the negotiate. History has shown they never have to. A strong president would immediately advise congress to split the bill into two and vote on each but you will not sign a bill that includes a tax-cut for the rich in any shape or form. Period. When America understands the consequences to extending these tax cuts for the rich there is nothing the repubs can do.
And btw, if you boys want to understand why us girls dont like Nice Guys this is a good example why! Be a MAN!
A reminder of a true leader :