President Obama devoted his weekly address on Saturday to reaffirming his support for extending only the tax rates that apply to incomes below $250,000, and not “for millionaires and billionaires”... Mr. Obama’s assertiveness masked the doubts and indecision that plagued Democrats about the tax issue even before the midterm elections, and caused them to delay a vote until afterward... Some Democrats want to take a stand, win or lose, for any option that could depict Republicans as patrons of the richest taxpayers, at the expense of blocking continued tax cuts for the middle class. Others have no appetite left for combat.
With Mr. Obama on a 10-day trip to Asia and lawmakers scattered to their states, Democrats say any resolution must wait until they regroup in the capital next week for a lame-duck Congressional session that will include those who lost their seats.
The tax issue is likely to dominate that session...
Republicans are also unsure how to proceed, since Democrats could block a permanent extension of the Bush tax cuts for the highest incomes, either by their votes or Mr. Obama’s veto. It is time to call Democratic Congresscritters and tell them to stand firm behind President Obama and against extending the Bush Tax cuts for the millionaires and billionaires!
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