Edited on Sat Nov-06-10 07:56 PM by Trajan
The ability to 'persuade people' lies at the heart of our essential problems with the electorate: Nobody understands what the Democrats really stand for, other than what republicans say they stand for ...
Where are the party leaders who are providing a reason to be a Democrat ? .... Where is the party leadership when young people need to have Democratic party philosophy explained to them so THEY can decide to be a Democrat too ? ...
Where is the arching vision ? .... The core principles ? .... The essential elements of a political philosophy ?
Where is the fucking YODA of the Democratic party ?
Those who have the gift to orate, and to craft a persuasive argument .... Where are they ? .... Obama is a masterful speaker, yet he cannot do it alone ... Moreover, he needs to express those principles as well, yet he seems weak on creating a consistent narrative of party philosophy that coincides with an overall progressive political philosophy .... He speaks well, but not necessarily in a manner that draws undecideds to the party OR his cause ....
I became a Democrat because I listened to JFK, and read about FDR and Truman .... I also became a Democrat because Nixon, Agnew, Goldwater and Reagan were republicans, and I KNEW I didnt agree with them ...
With today's evenly balanced electorate, we MUST make inroads with voters, by convincing them to vote for us, to become one of us .... Yet there are no Democrats that are actually doing anything of the sort ....
In the absence of a decent Democratic party narrative, the GOP is more than happy to provide one, and fill the vacuum ....
I would note the essentially UNANSWERED charges used in commercials during the last election .... SO many lies about Democrats were promoted by the right wing, yet they went unanswered and unrefuted for months ....
What do voters think about the Democratic party ? .... Spent 1.8 trillion dollars on failed stimulus ? .... Stole the Medicare right out from under seniors ? .... Paid the banks BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars so fat cats could get bonuses ? ....
Yeah .... According to commercials from the GOP and their friends, that is EXACTLY what the Democratic party is about .... LITTLE refutation was provided ..... Does anybody think this kind of intensive indoctrination by the right wing could go on and on without having an effect ?
The Democratic party needs to dust off it's political program, and create a presentable narrative that explains "What we stand for" ....