imo a must read analysis of how and why tea partiers and similar groups think and act the way that they do. here are a few characteristics: Authoritarian submission. Authoritarian followers submit to the people they consider
authorities much more than non-authoritarians do. In this context, Tea Partiers seem to believe
without question whatever their chosen authorities say. Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, various
religious groups, the House and Senate GOP leaders, Sen. Grassley from Iowa, Rep. Bachmann
from Minnesota, and of course Sarah Palin can say whatever they want about the Democrats, and
the Tea Partiers will accept it and repeat it. The followers don‟t find out for themselves what the
Democratic leader truly said, what is really in a bill, what a treaty actually specifies, or whether
taxes have really gone up. They are happy to let Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin do their thinking
for them. It has gotten so bad that their leaders casually say preposterous things that are easily
refuted, because they know their audience will never believe the truth, or even hear about it.
2. Fear. Fear constantly pulses through authoritarian followers, and Tea Partiers are mightily
frightened. They believe President Obama is a dictator. They also think the country will be
destroyed by its mounting debt. They readily believed the health care proposals provided for “death
panels” that will euthanize Down‟s syndrome babies, “put Grandma in the grave,” and place
microchips in each American so the government can track us. When Rep. Paul Brown (R-GA) said
that Obama‟s plan to expand such things as the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps was really intended to
create a Gestapo-like, brown-shirt military force in the United States, his followers accepted this.
Conservative leaders especially vilify Barack Obama, recently calling him in the space of two days
(April 7 and 8) the “most radical president ever” (Gingrich) who is “inflicting untold damage on
this great country” (Limbaugh) and is inviting a nuclear attack on the United States by indicating
we won‟t hit back (Palin). The people who orchestrate the Tea Party movement know well what
button to push first and hardest among social conservatives, and they work it overtime. And they
know spreading fear “works” with others as well. Sometimes it seems they are all trying to out-
boogie-man each other.
4. Hostility. Authoritarian aggression is one of the defining characteristics of authoritarian
followers. Do Tea Partiers seem particularly aggressive? The behind-the-scenes organizers of the
protests often provided the “words” for the protest through talking-points they distributed. But the
protestors put the feeling into the song, and the feeling was often hostility. They angrily called
people who disagreed with them at the town halls “Liars,” “Communists,” and “Traitors.” They
booed and booed until opposing speakers simply gave up. They lashed out at elected representatives
who tried to engage in dialogue. If you look at some of the videos of last August‟s protests, you can
see veins bulging in the necks of some of the Tea Partiers as they vented their fury.
5. A lack of critical thinking. Authoritarian followers have more trouble thinking logically
than most people do. In particular, they tend to agree with sayings and slogans, even contradictory
ones, because they have heard them a lot. Thus Tea Partiers reflexively, patriotically thump that the
United States is the best country on earth, but as well that it is now an Obama dictatorship. They
also have extra trouble applying logic to false reasoning when they like the conclusion. A ready
example can be found in Tea Partiers‟ assertion that Obama is a socialist. They have heard this over
and over again from Rush Limbaugh, etcetera, and “so it must be true.” But Obama has never
advocated state ownership of an industry. He certainly did not advocate state ownership of health
insurance, and eventually even backed away from the “public option” (that most Americans
wanted) which would have let the government as well as private companies offer health insurance.