Ya know what... it worked.
The Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) of 1982.
Want to have some fun with a wingnut... you may want to point out that the only difference so far between Reagan and Obama is that Reagan actually RAISED taxes to lift us out of a recession.
First, you need to start by looking at the unemployment rates while Reagan was in office.
http://www.miseryindex.us/urbymonth.asp?StartYear=1981-01&EndYear=1988-01&submit1=Create+ReportReagan passes his nutty tax cut (which haunts us until this day) in August 1981... over the next 16 month unemployment RISES from 7.4% to 10.8%. With the tax cut a failure and the government bleeding red and needing to spend its way out of the recession, Reagan institutes the largest tax hike in peacetime history, which goes into effect January 1, 1983.
He couples this with a HUGE stimulus bill. What? You don't remember the Reagan stimulus bill? You know why? It was hidden in the defense budget. Instead of calling it a stimulus bill, they simply increased military spending by about 20% per year... overall it was a 1 trillion dollars in stimulus spending.
What happened once you had tax hikes coupled with stimulus spending?
The unemployment rate IMMEDIATELY starts dropping.
In fact, if you look a the results of Reagan's stimulus vs Obama's stimulus, they have nearly identical results over a similar time period.