On today's installment of ABCs This Week with Christiane Ananpour, Mike Pence (who I think looks like a Central Casting actor as a pedophile priest) went into a debate with David Stockman, who was the budget director for President Ronald Reagan.
You'd think debate? Apparently, Pence is hinting at running for President and was injecting his Religious Reichist mantras as signals for those who are heavily into mystical superstitions and the treasure trove of hateful homophobic, racist and anti-science views that he might be their man. But back to the "debate".
Wow. It was a smackdown.
Here's a bit of the transcript. First, the disgusting suck-up to the Religious Haters...
AMANPOUR: Very quickly: Would you run for president?
PENCE: Well, look, we've been very humbled by the encouragement we've received back in Indiana and around the country. And we're intent on taking the coming weeks to really prayerfully consider that, to wait on the Lord, to seek counsel. And after the first of the year, we'll make a decision.
http://www.aifestival.org/includes/ideas_festival/image.php?id=950Stockman, sitting next to this two-bit theocrat, was wondering why he had to sit next to this clown. Stockman launched the first direct-hit missle into the broadsides of the likes of Pence and Republicans in general...
AMANPOUR: Still is, OK. Well, we're going to ask about his economic philosophy with the man who engineered it. Well, so, David Stockman, former budget director, you have basically said that Tuesday gave voice and gave further voice to what you call the big lie.
STOCKMAN: Exactly. This is not 1981. This is not morning again in America. We've drifted now for 30 years. Both parties, unfortunately, became free lunch parties, the Republicans cutting taxes every time they had a chance, never doing anything about spending, and the Democrats digging in to defend everything that was there. As a result, we now have this massive deficit. Today, the gross public debt is $14 trillion. The first thing we did when we walked into the White House in 1981 was struggle with raising the public debt to $1 trillion. So in that 30 years, the public debt has gone up 14 times. Our economy is only four times larger. We're losing the race. And we're now becoming the banana republic finance, printing -- the Fed, these mad men who are out of control at the Fed, are printing new money, equal to 100 percent of the debt that we're issuing each month. This will not end well. It's -- it's going to end in a disaster.
The Big Lie. Brilliant!
Amanpour also took Pence to task for his phony claptrap about cutting the deficit while bloating the deficit with still allowing the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% and with no specifics about what he would cut:
PENCE: ... both parties have failed the American people and have allowed this city to -- to -- to be -- to expand spending beyond any reasonable expectation...
AMANPOUR: But, sir, with all due respect...
PENCE: It's true.
AMANPOUR: ... what you just said was the campaign -- campaign slogan. Now it's time to legislate. You have a new Congress. You have a new reality.
Stockman was given a chance again to expound on the phoniness of the Republicans:
The point is, we're now in real-world governance. And you don't get 100 times at bat. The Republicans have been at bat for 30 years, and they've whiffed on everything.
And I appreciate what Mike is saying, but there's no track record of a willingness to take on the doctors, the pharmaceutical companies, the scooter chair manufacturers, who are everywhere. So we need to take on defense, OK? We are now at the point where this -- we're kind of at the, you know, sundown as an imperialist power. And we can't have credit card imperialism. We can't be the policemen of the world anymore because we can't afford it. We're going to have to cut defense drastically. And that isn't just fraud, waste and abuse. It's force structure, fewer divisions.
When it got to discussing the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% and keeping them for what would be obvious reasons, Stockman gave perhaps one of the best responses that should be common knowledge:
STOCKMAN: Two years after the crisis on Wall Street, it has been announced that bonuses this year will be $144 billion, the highest in history. That's who's going to get this tax cut on the top, you know, 2 percent of the population. They don't need a tax cut. They don't deserve it. And, therefore, what we have to do is focus on Main Street, and that means getting our house in order fiscally, not tax cuts that we can't afford.
Full transcript:
http://abcnews.go.com/ThisWeek/week-transcript-rand-paul-rep-mike-pence-david/story?id=12078824&page=3Watch the full stream: