MATT LAUER, NBC CORRESPONDENT: Based on some of the intelligence briefings you had gotten, did you not have any idea who was behind this? GEORGE W. BUSH, FORMER UNITED STATES PRESIDENT: I mean, we all surmised it was al-Qaeda. But before you make a decision to go find somebody, you want to make sure the intelligence is as good as it can get. In the next couple of days, we heard all kinds of chatter and celebratory talk and so it became clear it was al-Qaeda.
LAUER: Did you ever ask yourself the question, “What more could I have done to prevent this from happening?”
BUSH: Well, we just didn‘t have any solid intelligence that gave us a warning on this. Rachel showed the infamous video of Condoleezza Rice being asked if she recalled the title of an Aug. 2001 PDB she and Bush received, and she replied, “I believe the title was ‘Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States.‘”