As Kos pointed out yesterday Hispanics are moving away from the Republican Party: California, Colorado, Nevada Latinos crush GOP One reason is the pervasive anti-Hispanic racism expressed by the GOP's Tea Party allies, and their candidates like Sharron Angle. Now the Texas Observer has another example of the Tea Party's racism:
'Go Back to Mexico'
by Melissa del Bosque
A group of Tea Party activists in Washington D.C. recently told two Hispanic Texas border congressmen to "Go back to Mexico" as they were on their way to vote on the House floor.
Hinojosa, D-Mercedes, said he and Congressman Silvestre Reyes, D-El Paso, were confronted by five Tea Party supporters. "There were five men, all white," Hinojosa said.
"They first asked Silvestre Reyes, ‘Are you a congressman?’ ‘Yes, I’m from Texas,’ he answered. ‘Are you both congressmen?’ ‘Yes, I am a congressman too,’ Hinojosa replied. ‘Why don’t you go back to Mexico?," they said.
Lefty Coaster's diary :: ::
Melissa del Bosque doesn't mince words about the implications of the Republican Party's embrace of the Tea Party and its racism.
I put the blame at the feet of Republican conservatives and some Tea Party candidates like Sharron Angle who are throwing fuel on the fire this mid-term election. They don’t give a damn if they spur racial hatred, just as long as they win their elections. Take Angle for instance. She’s running her poisonous campaign ads that portray Latinos as a terrorist horde slinking along the border fence. Even worse is Georgia Republican state Rep. John Yates who advocates for killing people on sight if they cross the border illegally. Yates, who has served decades in Congress, said during a recent campaign forum that the U.S. government should drop flyers over northern Mexico warning they are going to "shoot to kill," if anyone crosses the border illegally. Yates thinks killing women and children is a perfectly logical public policy proposal. It’s scary stuff, folks.
And of course who can forget Joe Miller's admiration of the Berlin Wall (which came down 21 years ago today) and for their practice shooting those who tried to climb over that wall. This racism may not be offensive to the old white males from the South who run the Republican Party, but it is offensive to millions of Hispanic voters as Melissa del Bosque points out so eloquently.