giving it to them.
Any tax cuts I'd get would be immediately donated to the Democratic Party or any progressive groups advocating removing the Reagan/Bush/Chimp tax cuts for the uberwealthy if I had that much of a tax cut.
I'm plenty rich enough, I want to give back my share back to the government.
If I was rich. I'm not. I'm working part time and on SSDI (have full bennies) and I hate it when I dont get my COLA and my pay sucks enough and I'm already in debt settlement. Any extra money that I get would be a welcome bonus. I have a damaged car that I managed to knock off about $200 from my deductible because I have a good business relationship with the auto body shop. I have tuition to pay for my son to get the best possible education. Wife, son and I are planning to visit my sister's family in Israel in less than 3 years and we haven't started saving money (For 3 of us, it's about $3500 in tickets alone, plus not counting whatever we need for 10 days in Israel). I know we will get a decent tax refund next year (We got one this year thanks to my kid, but it went to the IRS to pay off existing debts - literally wiped all but $35 owed to the IRS).
It's just that I'm not seeing any RICH people clamoring that they *NEED* the tax refunds - they just don't - those that do needs to be investigated, indicted and sent to prison. They want people to buy their products - and in order to do that, the people has to have money first. The tax cut for the middle class made permanent would certainly help. The tax cut for the rich certainly does not help since it takes another $600 billion in deficit money just so they can have *MORE* money.
Health insurance is another story..... and that's for another day.