I hope someone runs against this asshole Kent Conrad why does he have a D in front of his name
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Thu Nov-11-10 07:21 PM
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I hope someone runs against this asshole Kent Conrad why does he have a D in front of his name |
Just watched him on Tweety's show JESUS!!!! talk about a complete sell out
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Thu Nov-11-10 07:23 PM
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1. Well he must be one of our premier economic geniuses... |
I mean isn't he on the deficit commission? I mean why would any Democrat place him on there as one of our allotted Democrats if he wasn't a complete liberal economic visionary? I mean right?
stray cat
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Thu Nov-11-10 07:25 PM
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2. He seems to think conservatives should not complain about it because it is 75% decreased spending |
Swede Atlanta
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Thu Nov-11-10 07:32 PM
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3. He was transformed.... |
I think Jesse Helms gave him the cornhole treatment and ole Kenny has been carrying water for the repigs for years.
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Thu Nov-11-10 07:36 PM
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4. Ed showed two videos of Conrad today |
One from today, compared with his appearance on Meet the Press in 2002.
In 2002 he pointed out that Bush's tax cuts on the wealthy would be paid for by spending the SS surplus, creating an economic hardship on seniors after 10 years when SS would have to be cut because of the spending.
It was pretty stark how his opinion has flipped 180 degrees when the two videos showed the contrast between todays appearance where he's supporting those same tax cuts continuing coupled with reducing SS to pay for them verses his dire warning just 8 years ago.
The guy is a total sellout.
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Thu Nov-11-10 07:52 PM
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5. Conrad is chairman of the budget committee. |
He indicated he wants to quit that and get on Ag committee. I think the reason is Dorgan retired and Pomeroy got voted out. That means that the the money train to North Dakota will be derailed when our newly elected empty suit governor and a lock-step Republican borg... err Berg take over. North Dakotan's can be so stupid sometimes. Conrad is bailing so he won't be blamed for the coming financial crisis in ND.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:50 AM
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