Where Do You Think Bush's Memoir Belongs?
http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/424/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=5117War criminal George W. Bush's new memoir, Decision Points, is scheduled to hit the shelves of bookstores across the country on November 9th. The Liar-in-Chief who brought us mythical "weapons of mass destruction" claims to be setting the record straight.
Well, we think it's time to set the record straight too. We think Bush's book belongs in the Crime section and we plan to put it in its place this week. Join us in moving Bush's memoir to the bookstore section it belongs to... Fiction, Fantasy, Crime, you decide!
Tell us where you think Bush's book belongs below and then when you're at your local bookstore, quietly move copies of Bush's book to the section where you think they belong. If you find Bush's book being sold in other types of stores in your community, tell us where you think they belong in those stores too (the toilet paper aisle, perhaps).
Then, to participate in the "Where's W's Book?" Contest, simply take a photo of where you've placed the books and upload it to our Flickr group by clicking here. Be sure to leave our "The Real Decision Points" bookmark inside a few copies of the book too! Just download, print, cut and go!
Winners of the contest will receive some great prizes including a pack of our War Criminals playing cards.
Go to site for embedded links.