The one hour interview by Rachel Maddow showed me something about Jon Stewart that I hadn't thought about until yesterday. Facts as subject matter was left out of the debate. While he's concentrating his thoughts on Right v. Left he forgot about something that should solve the issue that divides us. Facts are the absolute most important aspect of our news. It's not how it's stated or equivocated or spewed but it's that facts should be the most stubborn part of the conversation. I want to see commentators go back to the facts repeatedly - not deliver both sides as if the lie is just as important as the truth depending on what side of the divide a journalist or commentator resides. Jon missed it in the interview and he missed it at his rally even though I was largely in favor of it. While he's blabbing about screaming matches he forgot to energize a message or mime that is EXTREMELY important. FACTS MATTER! As a matter of fact... FACTS are the only thing that matter in informing the public.
Regardless of what you think about the media, Jon, you forgot what the media's prime responsibility should be. Beyond left- right, beyond shrill or muted, facts should be the overriding reason for watching any news show, if in fact it calls itself a news show. News organizations should not have the right to deliver propaganda just because they can but to deliver facts as news even if they don't like the facts they're delivering.
I like Jon Stewart but he missed an opportunity to help make sense of the back and forth. I like Rachel but she should have been less deliberative and explained that FACTS are what come home to roost, they are what matter and not the method in which discourse is delivered. I can not state this enough: Journalists are tasked with getting at the facts and commentary should almost happen by accident. Facts are stubborn things for a reason. If cable news was forced to recite the "facts" more often than creating fights then left-right would become less substantive today.